2012年2月1日 星期三

Traditional Chinese Food and Shandong Cuisine

The Chinese food is distinctive for its traditional properties. Along the new cuisines, many origins of Chinese food date back many thousands of years. From simple street side snacks to lavish grand banquet, they form a unique color landscape of Chinese food. I would like to investigate the fascinating world of Chinese cuisine.

The city of Qu fu is located in the north of China, Shang dong Province. It is one of the centers of Chinese official cuisine, Shandong cuisine (Lu Cai). The colorful style of Lu Cai dates back at least two thousand years. Qu Fu is also the birthplace of another Chinese icon, Confucius. Confucius is better known for his philosophy relating politics, society and social order. How can we connect Chinese traditional food with Confucius? He was also a gourmet who believed "where food concerns, seek the finest". He did not only create refined cuisine but also he created a kind of complete food philosophy. Some of the form, structure, etiquette that Confucius brought to the dining table changed Chinese eating way. Confucian cuisine is based on the commendation, balance and nutrition. The order and system contained in Confucian cuisine is the oldest in China's recorded history and it does not only influences Shandong cuisine but also other regions' cuisine too. Shandong cuisine is the number one cuisine in China. This is a result of the decision made by the Chinese feudal dynasties, to adopt Confucianism as the philosophy of governance.

Shandong is the birthplace of Confucianism. As a result, the government drew upon Confucian principles to regulate every aspect of customs and traditions. This included what to eat, to what to wear, as well as what tool to use. According to Confucian principles, even the place of dishes on the dining table and order which each dish presented are very important. For example, there are four dishes are part of one main dish: longevity. The dishes have to be arranged in a precise order. If you are serving it on a square table, you have to arrange the four dishes in order from east, south, west and north.

While Confucius succeeded in bringing details and etiquette to Chinese cuisine, one thing did not change since patriarchy time: the notion of a woman working as a professional chef was not even into consideration and their place was at home, supporting her husband and children.

For more information on traditional chinese food,please visit [http://www.kung-pao-chicken.com/]

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